
On hiatus

Dear friends, I just wanted you all to know that I am taking a hiatus from ghostwriting memoirs at this time, so I can focus on family, writing books, and serving in the community. Thanks to those who opened up their homes and trusted me with their beautiful stories; I […]

My Story of Faith

Congratulations to the Phelps family for publishing their Mama’s inspiring life story, “My Story of Faith.” These two ladies and their family were so fun to work with. I admire their tireless dedication. Today, I got to deliver the book to them. As they looked at the photos and stories […]

Don’t write your memoir

Write short stories instead.   Years ago, I used to write short stories. Scary ones. Funny ones. Romantic ones.   It was a good format for me to share my stories. Less overwhelming. In a matter of 500 words, or 1000 words, I could finish a story. There was a […]

Treasured Story: Kathy Mouritsen

I’d already arranged to have a photo shoot for a Treasured Stories poster with Kathy Mouritsen and “one or two grandkids” this past week, when she called. “Jewel,” she said, her voice tinged with despair. “I don’t think I can do it.” “Do what?” I asked. “Just pick one or […]

Treasured Story: Jan

From Poet to Published Jan Fultz with her book “The Winds of March” Sometimes a memoir can take a different shape than the traditional storybook format. Such was the case with my talented client Jan Fultz, who has been turning her observations and experiences into poetry all her life. A […]